Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Musitorial – We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet


musitorial n mashing music, musings and editorials, music and song that evokes thought and commentary.

My musitorial for the week (Dec. 16-22, 2024) is the BTO song “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet” (1974). Maybe that should be ‘scene,’ for the political scene this week (or should that be ‘weak’?), for this week is all about making a scene: Madmen at the helm, mad men in the engine room, and no one on deck.

We should have scene it coming. Hon. Chrystia Freeland has had a pained expression on her face for the past year or so whenever she’s had to stand awkwardly in that “we got your back” backup choruses behind the lead singer – the Prime Minister. Gosh how I dislike those faux solidarity scrums that have become de rigueur for politicians everywhere.

Anyway, to paraphrase Randy Bachman, stay tuned – ‘we ain’t scene nothin’ yet.’


B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-n-nothing yet

Here's somethin' that you're never gonna forget

B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-n-nothing yet

Nothing yet, you ain't been around" (that's what she told me)


Album Not Fragile 1974, (Mercury).

Link to Google site for the Bachman-Turner Overdrive song lyrics: .

Link to recorded version and video:

Link to Wikipedia info:



Friday, December 6, 2024

Musitorial - Tin Soldiers


Musitorial n mashing music, musings and editorials, music and song that evokes thought and commentary.

Next week’s (Dec. 9 2024) musitorial is inspired by the evening newscasts this past week. Headline events were not singular to this week but practically every week.

“One Tin Soldier” was used in the film The Legend of Billy Jack (1969), which I recall as a kind of rallying cry to young people of my generation who saw the deep flaws in Western societies during the Vietnam War era. The song’s sentiment goes beyond Vietnam, of course, and was for a short time a kind of mantra of the anti-war movement of the day. Sadly, world events haven’t changed all that much.

I’ve included just the refrain below, but hear (pun intended) is a link to the recording (on YouTube) and one to info about the film. If you’d like to see my editorial on the ebb and flow of international aggression, see

Link to the song:

Link to info about the film:

“One Tin Soldier” (The Legend of Billy Jack) lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group (1969)

Recorded by Coven; songwriters, Brian Potter / Dennis Earle Lambert


Go ahead and hate your neighbor

Go ahead and cheat a friend

Do it in the name of heaven

You can justify it in the end

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgment day

On the bloody morning after

One tin soldier rides away
